Also in this case google considers a site responsive when the fid value is less than ms. While over ms. The parameter is considered decidedly poor. Cls – cumulative layout shift it is the third and final core web vitals introduced by google; this parameter tries to evaluate the stability of the elements loaded on the screen . Often during the rendering of a page it happens that some elements loaded later than others move elements already visible downwards when they appear.
It could consequently happen that while we are about to click a button an image appears just above it and our button scrolls further down the page preventing us from clicking the desired button and increasing our frustration! The large news portals Digital Marketing Service due to the .plexity of the pages and the quantity of elements loaded are an example of a site where it is easy to notice this problem. or content loaded from external portals such as banners or in my experience youtube videos inserted into the pages negatively affect the cls to measure this parameter google .pares the various frames displayed during the loading of a page and identifies.
All the points where a change in the layout of the elements occurs. To obtain a good cls result it is important to obtain a value lower than . While if the same is higher than . The site is still considered poor. Cls example do core web vitals impact seo let's start by saying that google has every interest in directing its users to sites capable of satisfying their needs. For this reason the introduction of core web vitals as parameters for measuring user experience confirms the search engine's interest in evaluating and promoting websites that offer good navigation performance.